Hypermarché Géant casino - Le grand fleuve i Brazzaville

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Avenue Alfassa, Brazzaville, CG Republic of the Congo
Kontakter telefon: +242
Latitude: -4.2769969, Longitude: 15.2822151
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Kommentar 5

  • Hilary Hartman Mossberg

    Hilary Hartman Mossberg


    Some items are incredibly expensive, but the selection can't be beat.

  • Patient Pilot

    Patient Pilot


    This hypermarket made our lives so much easier! You can buy any decent western food here. Ice cream, meat, can food,beer and hard wood(Alcohol ;-) ) some basic DIY goods. A bit more expensive than Park and Shop, but you pay what you get for! Also nice and clean!

  • Mbulaf Emmanuel

    Mbulaf Emmanuel


    The biggest one stop shopping mall for house hold equipment, clothing and fresh produce.

  • Cinzia Colli

    Cinzia Colli


    Very large supermarket with a wide choice of international merchandise and prime location on the Congo river corniche. You can find any food you like from all corners of the World. Relatively expensive but there are always good bargain corners. Surrounded by other international chains such as Kiabi for clothes, Adidas and other sports brands and a good Fnac store for technology, electronics and medias.




    A good shopping centre for all household needs. Has a fresh and cooked snacks store as well as freshly baked stuffs and freshly killed meat.

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