Aeropuerto de Maya-Maya i Brazzaville

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Brazzaville, Congo
Kontakter telefon: +242
Latitude: -4.258899, Longitude: 15.251139
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Kommentar 4

  • Lauclaech Farnet

    Lauclaech Farnet


    Une immense plaisir 😊 de contempler cet aéroport construit avec une architecture moderne et de qualité🔝. Avec un peut de volonté un peut réaliser des grandes choses.🇨🇬

  • luis bermudez

    luis bermudez



  • Patient Pilot

    Patient Pilot


    Dont visit Brazzaville without some basic French. Airport is clean and very modern with Airbridges, aircon in the building was working well, there is also a lounge if you have a international Departure which I would recommend using. Customs/Immigration is not the friendliest of people around, and make sure you dont loose your baggage ‘tear off slip’ at your departure airport, because they cross reference that with the slip on your bag before you can take it out of the airport. Lots of taxis at the airport that is much more expensive than the usual ones in town. Dont pay more that CFA2000 for a ride into town. And when in town CFA 1000-1500 is the going rate now. From a pilot point off view be prepared to wait very long for fuel, and double double double check that fuel is available.

  • Brian Thibodeaux

    Brian Thibodeaux


    Maya Maya International Airport is a decent sized airport located in Brazzaville, Republic of Congo. It seemed well organized and clean. I the check in line moves incredibly slow. I'm not sure what they are doing but expect to wait an hour or more. Then watch out the customs employees want money to let you pass each of their stations.

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