LUNTU HOTEL i Kinshasa

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00243, Kinshasa, Demokratyczna Republika Konga
Kontakter telefon: +243 811 451 899
Latitude: -4.3270798, Longitude: 15.2729809
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Kommentar 5

  • Patrick Campanotto

    Patrick Campanotto


    L'hotel a besoin de renovation

  • Styno Ng

    Styno Ng


    Parceque ya tu Wifi gratuit petit déjeuner gratuit la piscine aussi magnifique✌

  • Rajha Alliance

    Rajha Alliance


    Calm & Cozy accommodation in the centre of Kinshasa city. Warm & timely services with helpful staffs.

  • John Masters

    John Masters


    Safest place to be in the city, few miles away from all Embassy's, restaurant and conference room is well setup, good WiFi connection, great parking space. Good service. One of the first hotel in the city since it opened doors, constantly evolving. Despite the hateful ignorant paid actors who tried to discredit it and confuse internaut by leaving dishonest comment and review, all those who had visited the place had love the management and felt home.

  • Mighty Rasing

    Mighty Rasing


    Service isn't very good. Plus there was a big rat that entered the room of one person in our group. I'm not sure about the level of service in other hotels in the area, but it would help if they improved the level of their service and overall cleanliness.

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