Crown Tower i Kinshasa

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Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of the Congo
Kontakter telefon: +242
Latitude: -4.3166472, Longitude: 15.2787333
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Kommentar 5

  • Manuel Arcângelo

    Manuel Arcângelo


    In the center of Kinshasa, on the middle of the main boulevard, you will find this huge office building with 20 floors. Lifts are segregated by groups of floors, so you get a chance to catch one without taking too much time to reach your destination. There are two levels of parking below street level, which is not much in this town.

  • Gil Ho Lee

    Gil Ho Lee


    비지니스 건물

  • Don Moudji

    Don Moudji


    Just liked it.

  • Freddy Massamba

    Freddy Massamba


    Good place to live with a family

  • simplice luyindula

    simplice luyindula


    Une belle image sur le boulevard à Kinshasa

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